Tuesday, July 16, 2013



Would you believe these are our own little guys?!


One of the extra special blessings we received when we bought Kenilworth was a peach tree. 

Although we don’t know anything about the care and handling of a peach tree, I think we are about to learn!



Apparently they are very heavy when they are ripe.  Two branches broke before we could pick them!



The poor little guy! 

But we picked all the fruit today, and then I trimmed the broken branches and sprayed something to seal them and protect the tree from invaders. 

He looks much better now!



So now we have two tasks before us.  One is to read everything we can about how to care for a peach tree so that it survives and thrives.

And the second is to do something with all these peaches!  In a hurry!



I think we are having Peach Clafoutis for dessert tonight.  Oatmeal and peaches for breakfast.  Peaches for lunch.  Peach smoothies for an afternoon refresher.  Peach wine with a peach and chicken entrée..

And so on.  Smile

And I’m thinking some of our nearest friends and family may receive a little peachy surprise this week.



Hope your day is peachy!


(I couldn’t resist.)

1 comment:

  1. Aren't we always learning? I freeze my peaches for wintertime sauces and smoothies...yum!
