Monday, March 18, 2013

For the Beauty of the Earth

Thursday evening, Glenn looked across the street and saw 5 deer eating in the cornfield.  Even though Glenn and the kids opened the door to take a few pictures, the deer weren’t terribly frightened.  They looked over this way, and then kept on eating for several more minutes before moving on.
Do I need to tell you the kids were excited?
It’s beginning to feel a little like Laura Ingalls Wilder’s, The Long Winter around here!  It has definitely been a real winter, with snow and cold weather, and more snow, and more cold weather.  But as much as we’re starting to really pine for warm breezes and flowers, and green grass and sunny days, we’ve enjoyed the last bit of a great winter.  I say great because we loved sledding and playing outside in the snow. We loved watching it fall gently sometimes, and blow gustily other times, while feeling all cocooned inside the house with fires and blankets, soup and homemade bread, and good books to read.
We are blessed.
And now, we’re ready for Spring! Come on in!

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