Friday, February 15, 2013

Beautiful Things


The Landis’ came over for dinner a few weeks ago, and Elizabeth brought me this beautiful hyacinth.  She was careful to pick one that was just getting ready to bloom, so I could fully enjoy its fragrance and beauty.  I love how it looks in the sugar bowl!

Today it’s in full bloom and smells heavenly…


And although it’s snowing outside, which still excites all of us – even in late winter! – the flower is a hint of the blossoms which will soon be bursting out all around us.



It is also a sweet reminder of my friendship with Elizabeth.

In fact, God has blessed me with many sweet friendships, both in my family and outside of it.  I’m so thankful for each one.  Each son or daughter, sister or friend has given me something that I can’t put a price on, but which I value far above any material thing I could ever want.

In a few weeks, we’ll be remembering another Dear Friend.  One whose death, burial, and resurrection has a value which can’t be matched in any way. I love to contemplate His friendship, and think in amazement of what He has given me; “Blessings all mine with 10,000 beside..”

So as I look outside at the fluffy snowflakes falling gently, and down at the ground around the apple trees where already I see the green shoots of some of the narcissus just waiting for their chance to be noticed, I think of Jesus. How His life and death brought change to everything.

And how Winter changes into Spring, brown grass changes to green, and seeds become flowers.

I think about my little children changing as they become young people… and how He continues to change me in ways I need to be changed. Ways in which I want to be changed. 

Year after year, season after season, day after day.

And all the while, He gives blessings, like friendships and family and beauty.


  1. What a beautiful post Kelly! I'm glad to be counted as one of your friends!!

  2. Beautiful pictures and words!

    Love you! :-)

  3. I'm the blessed one, Sharron! Love both you, girls!

