Monday, September 30, 2013

Alix and Lil T


Moving here to Kenilworth last year, has brought more than a few unexpected blessings.  But one in particular, seems especially to be an answer to one of our girl’s prayers.

Early last Spring while we were coming daily to work on the house, a lady came riding down the road on a beautiful brown horse.  She stopped for a little while, letting the kids pet her horse, and introduced herself as one of our neighbors.  Since then, she and her husband have been incredibly kind and generous to our family.  They have invited us and the kids many times to their pool, and the girls have taken care of their horses while they are away.  The kids absolutely love them.

A couple of months ago, they told us they were selling one of their 3 horses, and planned to buy a pony which the kids would be able to ride. 




This was music to Alix’s ears.

She is one of our animal lovers, and especially seems to love dogs and horses.  She has taken a couple of riding lessons in the past, from a good friend of mine.  But at 45 minutes away, that is just too far to do on a regular basis.




When our neighbors soon found the pony they were looking for, they offered Alix a wonderful opportunity.  They would find a local high school girl involved with 4-H and pay for her to give Alix riding lessons on their pony, in exchange for Alix mucking out the stalls every week or so.  It was a happy situation for both parties – Alix obviously finds everything having to do with horses wonderful, including mucking out stalls, while our neighbor’s husband has long been ready to hand over the job to someone more eager to do it.




The high school senior who they found to give Alix riding lessons is a wonderful, sweet, experienced girl.  She and Alix get along famously and Alix is improving in her riding so quickly that our neighbor feels sure she will be ready to show the pony in the county fair next summer. 

Glenn took these shots of Alix riding Lil T, and I thought you would enjoy sharing her joy!










Seeing God answer Alix’s prayers is like having our own answered, too.


Have a great day, Friends!


  1. How wonderful! What a sweet way to have a prayer answered:-)

  2. These blessings could not have happened to a sweeter girl! So glad she gets to take care of this lucky horse.

    1. Thanks Sharron! We're glad, too!
